JetSym is Jetter AG’s central programming environment and offers, in addition to writing pure program code, extensive support in the areas of configuration, debugging, diagnostics and commissioning a machine.
STX meets all requirements of automation technology. Its syntax is based on IEC 61131-3 ST. With this process-oriented language, the real processes of a system can be directly mapped and described. High-performance commands for arithmetical calculations, axis handling, operator interaction and strings make programming of controllers much easier.
The seamless integration of Motion Control significantly reduces programming expenditure for complex tasks. With STX, even complex axis motions, e.g., a movement of several axes in space, is astonishingly easily with just a single program command. Thus it is possible to create and test programs for complex machinery in the shortest time imaginable. Thanks to its process- and object-oriented approach, getting acquainted with STX is very easy.
Der Jetter Datenbank Connector ermöglicht die Verbindung einer Jetter SPS mit allen SQL Datenbanken, welche die standardisierte Datenbankschnittstelle ODBC unterstützen.
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+49 (7141) 2550-663
Further information
(5.17 MB)Catalog "Industrial Automation"
(9.29 MB)Catalog "Mobile Automation"